Life's great journey is made up of day by day delights.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Iron sharpeneth iron

I have so many very special day to day delights! One of those delights, as a whole, are my friends! A friend is such an important thing to have and not just a friend but a close friend. I am lucky enough to have more than one! Through life the idea of a friend changes as one matures and grows. In kindergarten, a friend may be the one you sit next to in class, play hop skotch at recess with, or make (and possibly eat.....) paste with. Moving on up through life, a friend may be the one that finds out who your crush is for you, who you go to the mall with, who you study with, and who you laugh with through all hours of the night at a slumber party. And then through the years we learn who our friends are through life experience's. Friends are the ones that are there with you through the good AND the bad. True "besties" are there to let you cry on their shoulder or cry with you, they are there to encourage and edify you and maybe put you in your place when need be. They are there for those random text messages, long e-mails, and even longer conversations! Friends are there to laugh with you and possibly at you as it goes with my bunch sometimes. :-) Real, true friends are there to pray with you and if they say, "I'll pray for you", you know they mean it. They are there to offer advice, offer a laugh, or offer a hug. Friends truly want the best for you! Friends are people that you can grow with as well. They won't hold you back. They want to see you happy! These traits I just listed are only a few of the great qualities I have in my friends. I am more than blessed to have them in my life and I thank God for them!

Proverbs 27:17 "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend."

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