That's right. I have a secret weapon. FOR DUSTING LAMPSHADES! Totally cool, I know. I came up with this about a year ago but I'm willing to bet that someone else has thought of this already and you all probably know about it (probably have for years) so it won't be that impressive. Regardless of the "wow factor", I have decided to share this little gem with you today anyway. It's just a helpful tip to keep your house looking extra spic-n-span without using harmful cleaners or taking up a lot of time.
I personally hate seeing dust. ANYWHERE.
Hate. It. In the past when I've noticed dust on a lampshade I've tried anything from wetting down a cloth to wipe the fuzz off or using a vacuum. Both got rid of some but usually with a downside as well. The vacuum is just awkward to use on a lampshade and the damp cloth would kind of spread the fuzz around elsewhere on the shade. Annoying. Then one day it hit me.....
OF COURSE! A lint roller. How could I have been so blind?? For whatever reason, I had reserved the lint roller in my mind as only for clothes. So once I wrapped my mind around this concept, I took that bad daddy to a dusty shade and started rolling. BAM! The dust was gone. POW! The lampshade looked awesome. All you need to do is....
Roll away.... |
Then give a hearty laugh of victory! You got those little dusties for good! |
I also use this technique to dust our ginormo speakers for our tv and cd player. Such a lifesaver! It's fast, easy, and cheap. Within a few minutes you can take your cleaning regimen up a notch with minimal effort! Superwoman status will be achieved in no time with simple little tricks like this. Give it a whirl and let me know how it works for you!
Have you tried this before? What other tricks have you come up with to take your clean house from good to great?
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