A to Z
I saw this on my
friend's blog and am passing on the fun! This is a playful way to get out of the ordinary blogging routine.
A. Age: 26
B. Bed size: Queen.....not working out so well. Hopefully a King sized bed (and room make-over?) will be in our near future.
C. Chore you dislike: Folding laundry. I don't know why but I just detest sitting and folding laundry. It's the only chore I don't care for.
D. Dogs: Nope. The Hubs is allergic. :-(
E. Essential start to your day: Prayer and hugs from my hubby.
F. Favorite color: I'm not a one color kind of girl.
G. Gold or silver: Silver
H. Height: 5'4
I. Instruments you play(ed): Like Ashley, I dabbled a little with the recorder. haha My dream is to play the piano and violin, though.
J. Job of your dreams: Don't even get me started. I think I just want to be Wonder Woman and do everything. :-D
K. Kids: 1 coming in December.
hahahaha Just teasing. :-)
L. Live: Midwest
M. Mom’s name: Diane
N. Nicknames: Baby, Glug Glug, Bubbles, Dog Clog---nicknames Eric gives me. Believe me! He has more. And yes. I know they don't make sense. :-) Bird, Birdie, Dolly Bird---my parents call me any of those names. Annie---only a few people can call me that and get away with it.
O. Overnight hospital stays: Never.
P. Pet peeves: Probably too many to list. I guess I'm pretty irritable. Working in retail for almost 8 years will do that to you! haha
Q. Quote from a movie: "You have bewitched me body and soul and I lo...I lov....I love you!"-Mr. Darcy in the newer Pride and Prejudice.....also from that movie "What a superbly featured room and what excellent boiled potatoes!" That was for you, Jill.
"Oh I'm not here with these fella's. I'm here for the piggin' competition and
I am gonna win that blue ribbon." "Cap'n Geech and the Shrimp Shack Shooters!"
Owner: "Know what this is?"
Lenny: "Presidential flashcards??"
-Last few quotes from Lenny in That Thing You Do
R. Righty or lefty: Righty
S. Siblings: 1 brother who is awesome and then the in-laws (4 brother-in-laws and 2 sister-in-laws)
T. Time you wake up: Anywhere between 6-7, depending on the day
U. Unhealthy habit: Being an emotional eater? Have you ever heard my story about cramming cream puffs in my face after I slid off of a ramp? haha
V. Vegetables you don’t like: Peas. I loathe peas.
W.What makes you run late: Getting caught up on watching tv while I do my make-up. Sometimes I will hold the mascara in my hand, mid-air for a solid 5 minutes before actually applying it because the tv just sucks me in.
X. X-rays you’ve had: Teeth....I think that's it.
Y. Yummy food you make: No-bakes and pizza dip. Both are sooooo good but sooooo bad for you!
Z. Zoo animal favorites: I enjoy them all!
Ok, TAG! You're it! Can't wait to read your A-Z list (hint, hint)!!! ;-)