Life's great journey is made up of day by day delights.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Heart That is Overflowing...

I am truly blessed. Even when I am silly and (quite frankly) stupid, God still loves me and takes care of me. I can't understand it. I cannot tell you why beyond the fact that He loves me  And when I sit and really think of His love for me my heart overflows with praise. Although no one likes struggles and no one enjoys pain, there is something so sweet about coming to the Lord kind of battered & bruised from life and having Him take care of you. And in turn having those moments of pure praise for the just makes me pray that I feel this way more on a daily basis and not just when I'm in the recovery room of life. I personally love old, old hymns. Rarely do I invest my listening time into contemporary Christian music (it's just not where my heart is) but sometimes I do come across a song or a singing group that tug at my heart. One of those groups is Selah and two of those songs are "Wonderful, Merficul Savior" and "Before the Throne of God Above." They bless my heart and I encourage you to share in that blessing by clicking on these links.

I also encourage you to have a time of devotion just on your face before a mighty and holy God, giving Him praise! He deserves it more than anyone or anything and the joy He provides in return is amazing!

PSALM 147:1
"Praise ye the Lord for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant, and praise is comely."

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