Life's great journey is made up of day by day delights.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Coupons make me smell good!

I'm a girly girl. Always have been, always will be. I take pride in that. I like looking (and smelling) nice. I don't know how well I actually accomplish the "looking nice" thing but hey! I TRY. :-) I love shoes, purses, jewelry, clothes, and all the smelly good stuff that is out there! I also love trying new products but when I find certain ones that I really like then I buy that brand and only that brand. Partly because I have sensitive skin plus why mess with success? They are working so why change?
Before marriage I took that love to what some might call an "obsession". I would spend ridiculous amounts of money on one bottle of shampoo or one container of eye-liner. After marriage those tendencies changed. I was more concerned about saving money but in turn that made me suffer a bit. I say "suffer" like I actually mean it.haha I wasn't buying products that made me look or feel good. After a while, that takes its toll on a girly girl like me!
Thank goodness for coupons! Now I can do three things I truly enjoy: 1. Try new products! 2. Smell pretty. 3. SAVE MONEY! This past week I got a mailer with tons of coupons and with those coupons I got:

Ashley from toogoodtobetrue recommended these and I LOVE them!

I know, I know. Suave products are already priced low with coupons they are amazingly low! And their products really do smell wonderful! With the coupon I had, I got $1 off 2 Suave Body Wash products!

I also bought some Loreal active daily moisture. Normally I used Dove or Neutrogena but this coupon was for $2.00 off!!! I could not beat that and I actually really like this product better than the others!
Loreal also treated me well with a $1.00 off coupon for the GO 360 Clean face wash. Ya' know. The one with the little scrubber built into the bottle! A-MAZING. It smells great, my skin gets exfoliated, and looks great!
 I've saved money and boosted my self confidence a bit (my new 'do helps a little too)! So, get out there Girls! Try some new products! Save some money! You'll never know what you find until you try!  
What great deals on beauty products have you found lately? :-)

1 comment:

  1. I recently found a great deal on toothpaste! I shop at Winn-Dixie (cause the Piggly Wiggly is so far away:) and they had toothpaste on sale for 99 cents! This is already a great deal, but when combined with a coupon for 50 cents off, it was even better! AND, Winn-Dixie doubles coupons!! So, my snaggle paste was free! And I bought 5 tubes of it. I will not have to buy toothpaste for a year! Woo to the Hoo for coupons!
