Thanksgiving is
almost here and I could not be more excited! I have such amazing memories of Thanksgiving through the years. Growing up, we usually hosted Thanksgiving at our house. Preparation would start at least a week before. We would practically turn our whole house upside down making sure everything was spotless...or as close to spotless as possible. haha It was such a crazy place to be. We all had our jobs to do and even though it was "work" it was fun because we would all be together, listening to Christmas music, talking and laughing. Food would be prepped making the refrigerator stuffed to the max!The night before Thanksgiving we always ate ginger snaps and milk and watched old movies. I actually hate ginger snaps but I tell you what! I ate them anyway. It was tradition!
Waking up on Thanksgiving day meant waking up early and turning on the Macy's Day Parade. We would stop in between the madness to watch people singing and dancing and of course SANTA! Decorations that had accumulated through the years would be pulled out of the barn, box by box. Going through them would get me so excited and once everything was clean and tables/chairs were set up Mom would let me be the one to decorate the house. It was always amazing to see how our home would be transformed into such a peaceful, warm, entertainment hub!
We'd kick into high gear the last hour or so and soon enough *KNOCK* *KNOCK* on the door then relatives would pour into the house. Sometimes it would get a little cramped but it didn't matter....we were together and that was all that mattered. Appetizers would be munched on, conversations (and usually hysterical laughing) would begin and memories would be made. Mom always attempted a perfect gravy but usually asked for my Aunt Judy to help while Uncle Curt and Dad would start carving the turkey. My cousin Jacqueline usually joined in for that sort the meat or sneak some pieces? The world may never know. :-)
Soon enough, the food was ready and Dad would ask us to join hands for prayer. No matter where we were in the house, Jacqueline and I would find one another so we could hold hands. I know this is wrong but we did it so we could squeeze the other's hand and see who would quietly giggle first.....we may still do that....I will not confirm or deny that. :-) Dad recites off a prayer he wrote before hand. His prayers are always so sweet and so filled with thanks and praise. "Amen" is spoken and the "elders" would go in line first while the spring chickens followed behind. We'd find our seats, chow down, and cozy up for great conversations. Trivial Pursuit or Catch Phrase would usually be played while desserts were consumed even though we were all too full to eat and coffee would be inhaled to stay awake! You know what turkey does to a person! Zzzz. A fun night was always had by all but sadly it would have to come to an end. Everyone would say they were heading out but it would actually be 10 minutes before they left because people had to be hugged and recipes had to be shared. The house that was just booming with activity would become almost silent while Dad, Mom, Alex, and I would crash and talk fondly about the evening.
Maybe your traditions are different but those are what are familiar to me and I wouldn't change them for anything! Now in a new phase of my life, I will be visiting the in-laws then going to the house that I used ot help decorate. Yes, it's different but it's just as exciting! I can't wait to start building memories with my husband and families. I wonder what traditions will be started? :-)
Just a few pics from Thanksgiving '09.....
One of the centerpieces |
My precious Mom who always works so hard to make a nice night for all! |
Hannah and Maison-cousins |
My cousin Hannah and I making crazy faces! |
Cousins Melissa, Deb, Aunt-Kathy, cousin-Jen with her son Von |
The traditional turkey fest! |
Food galore! YUM! |
Piling up of plates! |
Cousins! LOVE her! :-)
How does your Thanksgiving typically go? What kind of traditions do you have? What's a favorite dish? :-)
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